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Hi Everyone,

Apologies. I am new to this forum.

My team is looking to map both the Wards and District boundaries for Tokyo. Finding the Ward - ie Chiyoda-ku, is simple enough but we're having difficulty finding the sub-category, ie, the district such as Marunouchi, etc...

Ideally, we are looking for the KML datasets.

I appreciate your insights on where we might find this.

Ben GorillaSpace

asked 18 Nov '19, 09:16

GorillaSpace's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 18 Nov '19, 09:20

Here's a typical chome boundary mapped in Tokyo, so they do exist. The best way to retrieve them would be an overpass query for boundary=administrative and admin_level=10 or use Wambacher's site to browse (& download) the data).

permanent link

answered 18 Nov '19, 13:28

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

Thanks so much for your speedy response and help. We used the overpass method to mixed results - it appears that the underlying data for the districts (chome) are incomplete for Tokyo? Again, appreciate your insights. Ben

(20 Nov '19, 04:07) GorillaSpace

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question asked: 18 Nov '19, 09:16

question was seen: 2,067 times

last updated: 20 Nov '19, 04:47

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