Hi! Is there a way to query malls within a certain geographic area, and export a list, perhaps as a CSV? |
Overpass-API is good for this type of query. Here's a quick example using Overpass Turbo to select the area of the query:
It may be necessary to add more tags to really find all malls, depending on how they are tagged in the area of interest. This can be done by replacing the
You may also want to add additional tags to the Wonderful, thank you! I'll try this out. I have minimal coding experience -- enough to understand and modify your code, but not enough to start from scratch -- so I'm extremely grateful for your help.
(16 Nov '19, 13:00)
For a beginner the wizard on the Overpass Turbo does a good job. Open the wizard, fill in what you are looking for, "mall" in your case, and klick create query. Then run it.
(16 Nov '19, 13:19)