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The case I'm interested in is here:

It is the only bus stop on that route that is included in the route relation ("Bus 4" is the one I'm currently interested in).

The wiki seems to say that the stop should not have a route=* tag, and should be part of the route relation.

But when I use the relations analyser I get a problem flag for this bus stop: the analyser doesn't like that this it's part of the route relation

Which is correct, please?

asked 15 Nov '19, 11:08

eteb3's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

Wiki says (

Use of the tags route_ref=, 'location' and 'towards' is no longer recommended in conjunction with highway=bus_stop. This information should instead be associated with the corresponding route= relation.

(15 Nov '19, 11:09) eteb3

route_ref= is an acceptable, crude first step. Only that you have to make the relation to consider it done.

(15 Nov '19, 12:17) Kovoschiz

Which is correct, please?

Both. They are two different questions.

The wiki seems to say that the stop should not have a route=* tag, and should be part of the route relation.

Of course stops shouldn't have route=. It is for identifying route type in relation objects. You are looking for route_ref=, see my previous comment below.

But when I use the relations analyser I get a problem flag for this bus stop: the analyser doesn't like that this it's part of the troute relation

The problem is you forgot to add the role platform for the bus platform area. OSM area are ways, that must be identified with a non-empty role for ways not part of the traveled route. Look at how it is added to other bus route relations with "(as platform)".

An additional suggestion:

The name=Rivergate Stop A can be tagged as ref=A instead.

permanent link

answered 15 Nov '19, 12:31

Kovoschiz's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 15 Nov '19, 12:35

Thanks: I've made the role 'platform'.

So to be clear, all the other bus stops should be added to that route relation? Eg, this one where currently only the road is part of the route relation.

(15 Nov '19, 14:54) eteb3

The name=Rivergate Stop A can be tagged as ref=A instead.

Why is this?

(15 Nov '19, 14:55) eteb3

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question asked: 15 Nov '19, 11:08

question was seen: 1,908 times

last updated: 15 Nov '19, 14:55

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum