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I am trying to find maps for trekking in Chile and Argentina to use on an etrex 30x. I have downloaded several maps from different sources. (BBBbike, alternativaslibres, Cocar.SA,, mapmania and kyubyu). I unzipped the files, renamed the gmapsupp files so as to keep track of the scource and loaded onto an SD card. Only the BBBbike and mapmania files can be read by the etrex 30x. JaVaWa reports that the unreadable .img files are not Garmin IMG files. The mapmania map shows the streets but not the contours, and the BBBbike map shows the contours but no streets or details. I have since read that the etrex 30x must have a Non Unicode version of the map- is this likely to be the problem, or have I done something else wrong.

I have noticed that contours sometimes come as separate downloads - how do you get them to show on the map?

Many thanks Ian

asked 13 Nov '19, 17:45

iankk's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I have a Talky Toaster UK map with contours, the contours are in a separate file but if i enable them both I get a map with contours. Reading TTs website they sell maps of South American Countries, In my experience his maps are very good, if you can't find a free one this could be a solution.

(14 Nov '19, 22:34) andy mackey

It might be the unicode issue indeed. I am using the alternativeslibres map with contours on my Garmin, but I have Oregon 700. Although if I remember correctly that map also did work with my old Oregon 300 back from 2008 which is lot older than eTrex30x. For Garmin, the contours will most likely be in the same img file as the main map. That is the case with alternativeslibres. On some sites you can get the contours separately but they are usually not garmin format.

(15 Nov '19, 03:50) ivss_xx

I assume you have followed the creators of the .img files instructions and you have enabled the map in the Etrex 30x. Have you tried some of the many menu options the Etrex 30X has? try set-up: map: Advanced Map Setup: there are three choices A) Zoom level at which various features show. B) Text Size: Zero or Small Medium or Large. C) Detail Most,More,Normal or Less. D) Shaded Relief Show, don't show or Auto. You could try some of these alternative settings.

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answered 13 Nov '19, 21:32

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andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

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question asked: 13 Nov '19, 17:45

question was seen: 1,993 times

last updated: 15 Nov '19, 03:50

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum