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A historic inundation lock has been abandoned and filled with debris 40 years ago. A way can be blocked with barrier=debris as a node, but there is nothing left to stop the water flow by halve or ruined lock doors. The whole basin or lock is filled to prevent flooding the polder. How to tag the debris that filled the lock ?

location of the lock

asked 12 Nov '19, 14:33

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

edited 20 Nov '19, 10:32

TZorn's gravatar image


Hmm. Why would you want to tag the debris? It seems you want to indicate a water barrier. But barrier against what? The water flow? Traffic on the water?

I would prefix the lock with an appropriate lifecycle prefix like abandoned:.

Or maybe explain once more what you want to achieve.

(12 Nov '19, 21:17) TZorn

I am working on this UNESCO World Heritage project "The Defence Line of Amsterdam" and this monumental double lock is an aspect of the line. The lock system has been abandoned since 1984 and the so called Voorkanaal has been cut of from its main defensive water supply, the Ringvaart of the Haarlemmermeerpolder. The locksystem is still visible in the landscape with all its elements.

(19 Nov '19, 11:28) Hendrikklaas

I'd use regular lifecycle tagging. If you do a search in the UK I'd expect you'll find examples that I've mapped; I'm sure that other people have there and elsewhere.

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answered 19 Nov '19, 15:41

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

I'm still not clear what you question is. Up there you asked "How to tag the debris that filled the lock" and wrote something about a way being blocked and water not so. But I rather get the feeling you would like to get some guidance on how to tag the lock in its entirety.

A normal lock is tagged by e.g. waterway=canal + lock=yes. On the aerial image it looks like there is no canal anymore (it's been filled). Thus, I would remove the waterway altogether. Instead map the outline of the old lock and tag it with man_made=lock. This is consistent with bridge tagging where you put bridge=yes on the road and man_made=bridge on the actual structure. You could also use man_made=lock_gate to map the gates. Both tags have been used a couple of times. If you want additionally tag the area inside with surface=debris or an extra area with landcover=debris.

Alternatively, you could use abondoned:waterway=canal + lock=yes and abondoned:waterway=lock_gate at the nodes where the old gates are.

The current tagging (disused:waterway=canal + waterway=lock on the way of the canal and barrier=debris on the outline of the lock) is wrong in my opinion. For one the simultaneous use of disused:waterway and waterway seems wrong and waterway=lock is not the standard way of tagging locks. Additionally, I don't like barrier=debris. You probably think of a barrier against water but I think the usual OSM meaning of barrier is against some sort of traffic. Barriers against water are tagged e.g. as waterway=dam/weir/lock_gate.

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answered 20 Nov '19, 10:31

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

I ve used the lifecycle tags for the situation of this monumental complex. Since the Hoogheemraadschap (Polder board) has no use for the locks there is no maintenance to stop the decay and only a little water stream by using drains and the canal "Voorhaven" has been isolated from the "Ringvaart" as well.

(14 Jan '20, 10:23) Hendrikklaas

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question asked: 12 Nov '19, 14:33

question was seen: 1,163 times

last updated: 14 Jan '20, 10:23

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