i am working on showing indoor map of my office that i have created on JOSM. After exporting it to openstreet, i can't see any indoor element (Rooms, Walls etc). I can actually see route and be able to get correct navigation. What is the correct way to go about making somthing like link:This Here is the view of my link:office . |
If the data is correct, it just needs something that can render it like maybe OpenLevelUp Thanks for the response. Elements ARE showing in onelevelUp, and it actually directs you to edit the map in JOSM eventually. Here is the link to my Onelevelup link:Map. The point is how to show same Rooms, corridors etc in OSM, and how do i check if my data is correct. i followed ITS mentioned in OSM wiki. Regards,
(12 Nov '19, 09:22)
Well, OpenLevelUp is just as much "OSM" as any of the maps that you'll see linked to from openstreetmap.org .
(12 Nov '19, 10:18)
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