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In Czechia, lots of guideposts are near railway stations and they are always named like "Záboří nad Labem (žst)" see. The shorthand žst means "železniční stanice" (railway station). Although it is not and abbreviation, the Not abbreviate rule coulb be used on first sight.

The problem however is, that the expanded version of the name "Záboří nad Labem (železniční stanice)" is very artificial and nowhere used. I.e.

  • official listings of the operator have "Záboří nad Labem (žst)"
  • official maps from the operator have "Záboří nad Labem (žst)"
  • other touristic maps have "Záboří nad Labem (žst)" or "Záboří nad Labem - žst"
  • guidepost itself shows "Záboří nad Labem (žst)"
  • even the official Czech norm (ČSN 01 3411) for names in maps requires use ŽST in maps

Should in this case rule "map as it appears on the street" be followed or we should use the very artificial long version.

asked 08 Nov '19, 21:01

gorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

edited 08 Nov '19, 21:26

I think some commonly used abbreviations are ok to use. Since this is very specific to the czech situation I suggest you discuss this within the czech community.

(08 Nov '19, 21:40) TZorn

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question asked: 08 Nov '19, 21:01

question was seen: 897 times

last updated: 08 Nov '19, 21:40

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum