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Lets say we have a super big factory that is bigger than an entire neighborhood. Thousands work there, but it is still one company. I know that landuse=industrial needs to be added under it, but how should naming happen? Should I separate it from other industrial landuses and name that big lot or add a new area with man_made=works and add the name for that? Should I even add that in the first place when the landuse already has the industrial=factory tag?

asked 08 Nov '19, 07:30

UntaggedWay's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

man_made=works seems to me to be more commonly used to map the actual factory. I would do as you suggest: Draw a polyline around the perimeter of the factory and give it a name=XYZ tag. I see the landuse=industrial to also include the adjacent roads, neighboring factories, the small fast food stall across the street etc., while the man_made=works is drawn around the company's property. The industrial=factory only makes sense if the landuse=industrial is used instead of the man_made=works.

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answered 08 Nov '19, 14:47

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

That is my point. The whole facility is just manufacturing plants, parking and roads. Everything is the company's property so the landuse=industrial and man_made=works would cover the same area. Or is man_made=works only for the actual production buildings?

(08 Nov '19, 15:03) UntaggedWay

Buildings are building=industrial.

(09 Nov '19, 05:34) Kovoschiz

The factory and the landuse could cover the same area in special cases. Generally, landuse is larger. Do you have a link to the place?

(09 Nov '19, 07:24) TZorn

To Add to TZorn's answer. I would map the service roads and any footpaths into to area. I would also map. if i knew the various, good inwards bays dispatch points and entries for staff and visitors plus various car parks, all these can be useful.

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answered 08 Nov '19, 15:46

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 08 Nov '19, 15:47

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question asked: 08 Nov '19, 07:30

question was seen: 1,605 times

last updated: 09 Nov '19, 07:24

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