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Again I am having trouble with the files being downloaded. They are not the same as the files that I have used for years and years. They simply will not open and load. They look like they are for some other format and not the Mac OSX.

It is a folder that contains a folder "24940000_mdr, another folder "Product 1" and some other files. I am not a novice, I have downloaded probably 100 times or more. Recently I have had this problem, and the problem is what you are putting in the files that I am requesting.

asked 08 Nov '19, 03:02

Mike%20Giambra's gravatar image

Mike Giambra
accept rate: 0%


there are so many sites from which you can download files, can you please let us know which one you were using, which type of file you tried to download ? In case you were using, there are plenty of alternatives, see the list on the wiki. I use myself

(08 Nov '19, 04:13) escada

How will I know where it comes from? I just choose the maps I want from the "" site and download. I have never chosen a site to download from. How would I choose a different site?

permanent link

answered 08 Nov '19, 05:22

Mike%20Giambra's gravatar image

Mike Giambra
accept rate: 0%

I do not need to download a 2.6 gbyte file. I choose tiles to download, maybe 500 Mbytes. That site does not let you choose.

(08 Nov '19, 05:41) Mike Giambra

So it comes from That is an important piece of information. As I wrote in my comment, you can download garmin maps based on OSM from many sites. Did you click on the link behind "list on wiki" in my first comment ? There you find a list of providers of Garmin maps based on OSM data. I use the (which is in the list there)

(08 Nov '19, 07:16) escada

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question asked: 08 Nov '19, 03:02

question was seen: 2,345 times

last updated: 08 Nov '19, 07:16

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum