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I'm working on sotring clinics by their distance from subway so I'm using osrm to get distance for car and for the pedestrian. But I've got lot's of annomalies. For example: 55.786112, 49.124035 and 55.786462, 49.124303 (Kazan)

Real distance lays between 56m and 210m, but osrm returns number 48,135471 for car and 39,995274 for pedestrian. It can't be meters or km but what is it? And durations are also very strange. 101 and 27 seconds.

What's wrong here? Could you help me to get it?

Thank you for your attention.

asked 07 Nov '19, 13:37

Akusoff's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 07 Nov '19, 13:39

Any URLs that you might have thought you had in your question are garbled. I suggest that you include:

o The locations in OSM that you're asking about (link to the URLs)

o Details about the OSRM instance that you are using. Is it public or private? What data is in it?

(07 Nov '19, 13:41) SomeoneElse ♦

As far as i know, Unless there is a road or a footpath directly between two points the routing engines seem try use a way ( Path or road) that it close by and may leave a gap between point and the way. so distance will i think be not much use over very short distances. OSRM and Graphopper give reasonable distance measurements in KM over larger distances but do not seem to be useful for this case. But i may be incorrect! see this:-

permanent link

answered 07 Nov '19, 20:31

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 21 Nov '19, 21:58

Distance is supplied in meters. Be sure you are supplying coordinates in long, lat format. This is required when using cUrl

permanent link

answered 26 Oct '22, 00:03

Bramyx's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 07 Nov '19, 13:37

question was seen: 4,510 times

last updated: 26 Oct '22, 00:03

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