How can you edit this object, so that this bridge is not only passable for the tramway, the busses, the cars and by walking, bur also passable by bycicle. If you utilise a route planer for bycicle, e.g. (but also others), then the route not passes directly over the Kornhausbrücke for all kind of bycicles, but it passes by feet. I think, the correction will be some complicated, and I am a beginner of editors on openstreetmap. So, if anyone is able to adjust this problem, me and certainly a lot of rout plan users will be happy about this. (Remark: There are any other high brigdes in Berne, where the planning for bycicle routes runs correctly, so e.g. the Kirechenfeldbrücke, Montbijoubrücke, Lorrainebrücke / but only the Kornhausbrücke doesn't do also) |
The answer is simple in the end. Komoot is using somewhat outdated data. The culprit in the routing lies on a small piece of road as you can find out by moving start and end of the route around. Routing works the other way round. This stretch of road was falsely tagged as a oneway road until two months ago. Komoot apparently uses data from before the correction, O.k. I am satisfied about this expanation. I have tested and have seen that the route is set directly over this bridge in the direction from insnide to outside of Berne City. So I close from my part this conversation.
(09 Nov '19, 12:15)
Please always add an URL to the location you are asking about:
@scai: that is Kornhausbrücke in Hamburg not Bern. I guess it is this one that's making problems:
@TZorn Oh, yes, sorry. That's why an URL can be very helpful :)
@MKronauer: Bicycle routing on OSM is fine, see
To the other messages: Yes, I mean the Kornhaus Bridge in Bern.
To the message of scai: I see, with this link of the route is showed correctly. says that for the komoot routing OSM is used. But komoot id about calculating this route:,7.4450827,15z
So I give back this question to komoot