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If you do a search on, the results are listed in the left side, as clickable links, zoomed in on #1 of the results.

It would be really great if it was possible to see the results directly on the map, for example if you search for libraries in Copenhagen:øbenhavn

In stead of zooming on #1 in the result, I think it would be a great feature if the map was zoomed out like below, with the matches shown on the maps as clickable/hoverable icons:

To avoid over-loading the server a link could be shown next to the search result with the text "Show results on map", and not done by default, the number of entities shown on the map could be limited to for example 50, and the extend of the zoom could be limited to 100x100 Km.

For the sub-feature of making the icons clickable, see "Clickable map icons, for easier access to data"

asked 06 Nov '19, 16:58

ragit's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 06 Nov '19, 19:47

That's interesting, thanks for sharing! I do think I prefer to free text search as on, and not be limited to filter by category.

(06 Nov '19, 17:24) ragit

Actually, that works quite well, though some amenities such as community_centre is missing, but I found where you can free text search.

(22 Nov '23, 12:03) ragit

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question asked: 06 Nov '19, 16:58

question was seen: 1,507 times

last updated: 22 Nov '23, 12:10

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum