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I've made a large .osc (osmChange XML) file, like I use to when I'm in the mood. I've sit on it for two months [waiting for feedback from the local community] so I wanted to update it, resolve conflicts, commit this state to Git, finally to upload it to OSM.

However, JOSM doesn't let me saving to .osc, only to .osm (full OSM XML). Let it be a minor problem. Even though .osc has double quotes and the latter has apostrophes (not making file comparison easier), I can survive.

My main issue is that JOSM downloads all dependencies (nodes and ways) of the elements edited in it, resulting in an .osm file three times bigger - and makes file compare completely impossible. This still would not be a problem in itself. However, my previous experiences show that neither JOSM, nor OSM is clever enough to upload only the changed elements. It means that if I modify a character in the name of a relation, all included nodes and ways get a new version under my name - even though I haven't touched a line or vertex.

Is there a plugin, setting, or an external tool to handle this situation in a sane way, e.g., to get back the changed elements only, or to commit only the changed elements?

Greets, Akos

asked 04 Nov '19, 14:06

ITineris's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

JOSM keeps track of which exact elements have been changed. On upload it will ignore all objects you haven't touched. There might be exceptions, e.g. when adding a tag and removing it later again.

This information is also stored in the OSM XML file. Only elements with action='modify' and action='delete' get uploaded to the OSM database.

If you experienced otherwise please tell us the corresponding changeset.

JOSM also allows you to select all modified objects by using the search string "modified". Likewise, you can limit the upload to the current selection by using "File" -> "Upload selection". As noted above this should not be necessary to achieve your goal since the upload is always restricted to modified objects only.

Also, reconsider your current work flow. A typically suggested work flow is to "upload early, upload often" to reduce the chance of conflicts. If you need to discuss changes with the community ideally discuss them before editing the map.

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answered 05 Nov '19, 11:22

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 05 Nov '19, 12:29

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question asked: 04 Nov '19, 14:06

question was seen: 1,756 times

last updated: 05 Nov '19, 12:29

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum