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When an institution moves to another building arcoss the town, is there a way to directly edit the coordinates of the place marker? I tried to drag the marker, but it was painfully slow, and also it seems the editor tried to load everything I passed over, causing it to eat enormous amounts of memory and eventually crash the browser.

The answer to suggests basically just deleting the institution and recreating it at the new location, but I would like to hope there is a better way.

I'm using the iD editor by default, if this makes a difference.

asked 02 Nov '19, 14:31

ahto's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Level0 will allow you to do this, but it is very low level. A description of it's abilities can be found here.

If that is a little too low level (e.g. you'd like to preview the change first) then an editor like JOSM which allows you to edit while zoomed out further might be the way forward for this sort of thing.

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answered 02 Nov '19, 20:45

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

JOSM is what I ended up using. Though, could not figure out how to move the marker to an area outside the original viewport in there.

Ended up copying the place marker from the original location, then using to move the JOSM view to the new location, then pasting the marker to new location, and finally deleting the original marker.

Also, can'figure out why there's no Cut next to the Copy and Paste options...

Will look at Level0 next time something like this comes up. Thanks for the pointer.

(02 Nov '19, 20:54) ahto

JOSM has a "Move Node" tool that pops up a dialog for coordinate input.

Navigation (more or less) assumes a mouse with a scroll wheel. Right click+drag moves the viewport, the scroll wheel zooms in and out. It's also less automatic. You have to trigger a download for each area you want to edit and activate any imagery layers you want to use in each session.

(03 Nov '19, 13:45) maxerickson

When an institution moves to another building arcoss the town, is there a way to directly edit the coordinates of the place marker?

I would honestly not bother. Object history is a nice-to-have but only that. OSM objects are deleted and recreated all the time, whether because of way splitting, conversion from node to way, conversion from way to multipolygon relation, and so on.

The best way to ensure that the history is traceable is to make sure that you delete the old object, and create the new one, in the same changeset; and to use a descriptive changeset comment (e.g. "Replaced old location of Frog School with new Frog Academy Campus across town"). That way, anyone looking at the object history will still be able to see the rationale for the change, and look at the old object if they want, by calling up that particular changeset.

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answered 19 Apr '20, 09:27

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%


IMHO, here's how this should work:

  1. cut object; object is removed from map
  2. navigate to new location (possibly other logged-in window in edit mode), zoom to appropriate level
  3. paste object at desired location

pasted object automagically inherits new building address (from building container/object) and, of course, retains all previous business info: hours, website, phone, etc.

do we know any coders who could make this happen? (;-)

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answered 19 Apr '20, 03:46

DougGrinbergs's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 02 Nov '19, 14:31

question was seen: 4,405 times

last updated: 19 Apr '20, 09:27

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