Hi, firstly let me thank you for this great project. I have trouble understanding the OSM license for the following use case: If I make a couple of screenshots from OSM and use them to create an animation, which I will then use in a monetized online video, am I allowed to do so? What would the proper attribution be? Of course I would blend in "© OpenStreetMap contributors", but what else do I have to do? I don't understand how exactly to implement the following part of the guidelines in a video:
The other thing that I don't get is the ShareAlike. From what I have read, I will need to license my work under share alike as well. This raises two questions: 1) How to do so in a video 2) Would that mean that the whole video/documentary would have to be released under the share alike rules. I'm sorry about all those questions, but I'm new to OSM and I haven't read any answers regarding the use of OSM in commercial videos. Thanks so much for your work. |
Hi again, let me thank you for your detailed answers. They really helped me, however, I'm still unsure about what exactly triggers the share alike, which would be very difficult to implement in a video. The problem is that I don't intend to just show the map as it is, but an animation based on a screenshot of the map. For instance, let's say I have a map of an airport. Then let's put a little plane on it and animate it so it is taxiing on that map screenshot to a specific location on the map. That location would be outlined with a blinking rectangle for example. Or I put a separate tag pointing to as specific building on the map specifying the name of the building. Now the problem is the part of what I have read in the FAQ (and my lack of understanding, which I'm sorry about ;).
Now the question is whether that is an extension of data if I enhance a OSM screenshot with my own annotations and animations? Does that trigger Share Alike and if so, how to implement it in a video. I don't see a possibility to make share alike apply only to those 10 seconds of a video in which the map animation is being shown. It's either the whole video/documentary/film released under that terms of license or not I think. On the other hand I have also read this:
This raises the question, whether my example of a moving plane on the map has to be seen as an "interaction with the map underneath". In that case it would be difficult to use in media. I appreciate very much the efforts of the OSM community to make the terms clearer. It would be definitely a good thing though if the permission guidelines would more specifically include media usage, because the whole topic is a legal minefield. |
The presentation of map data on the website is only one of many displays possible. The map data and the display of the map data on the main page (the tiles have) separate licenses. There is a legal mailing list where you may be able to get clarifications, but as with all things OSM, this is volunteer run. I am not a lawyer and can't give you legal advice, but you might find the following useful in making up your own mind. For the underlying map dataThere is a legal FAQ here which contains questions specifically about the Share-Alike aspect. For the tilesI know of no specific FAQ for the tiles old versions of the map data used to be CC-BY-SA 2.0 and the FAQ mentioned above links to an old FAQ about that licence here. |
These are entirely valid questions, you aren't the only potential OSM user who has a hard time understanding the legalities. A few people in OSM (the License Working Group) are currently working on improving this situation and documenting our requirements a bit better, but that process isn't complete yet. So here's a rundown of the current situation.
I hope this answer helps. Feel free to ask for clarification in comments! |