where does the little green dots come from? what do they mean? i cannot find them in the map legend http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=52.507703&lon=13.297542&zoom=18&layers=M on Pestalozzi-Str. |
Those are trees. You can find out by clicking edit and looking in the advanced tab. and in this "advanced" tab one must say, contrary to most of OSM trees, these are incredibly detailed, since we even learn these are Gleditsia triacanthos, and this with different national translations :-D I must say, I only entered a single tree once (was the highest almond tree in the region here, located at a very unlikely place) and without its latin name!
(17 Aug '11, 18:19)
I did not look there at first, but they are really well described. Only physical measures for 3D renderers are missing :)
(17 Aug '11, 19:38)