I added a floating solar array (yes, it's real) over a lake feature, but I don't see a way to show this "power=generator" feature 'above' the water. Any suggestions? Thank you! |
There are at least two other floating solar arrays mapped:
Neither of these shows up on the standard Carto-CSS style, although level tags are used. Both do show up on OpenInfraMap. Hmmm. Sounds like a problem with the standard renderer. Seems like layer should have worked.
(29 Oct '19, 18:57)
@stf at present it's a pretty marginal exception (under 10 such arrays in the UK for instance)
(30 Oct '19, 13:05)
SK53 ♦
Good or bad idea? I have looked for examples of floating constructions, recollect some mention of them here in the past. The term, a building or a construction are more or less interchangeable in English language. If you call a floating solar array a building it will render i think, after all it has been built, another possibility is to map the array as an Island.
(04 Nov '19, 19:23)
andy mackey
Neither are true: it's not an island, and it's not a building: merely a raft with solar panels on it. Personally I'm not worried about this at all: it's an extreme edge case & openinframap handles display of solar power better than standard Carto anyway.
(04 Nov '19, 20:56)
SK53 ♦
Maybe you could add a layer=1 tag to the polygon. For other things, like bridges and building=roof that indicates that one item is above the other. From the wiki, it sounds like it is generally applicable for indicating what is above another feature. https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:layer 2
That's not really how the "layer" tag works in the OSM Carto style (or at least wasn't the last time I looked at it). What there actually is in the map style are "layers" of "different sorts of features" in https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/blob/master/project.mml that are drawn in order, and then for each of those entries in files such as https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/blob/master/water.mss .
(29 Oct '19, 20:53)
SomeoneElse ♦
Where actually is this? Some map styles will probably show it.
The Location is: https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/40.43737/-74.33526 My polygon is there, just not showing above the water.
I added a tag layer=2. I'll give it time to see if it shows up. Interesting to see it in OpenInfraMap.
In this example, I don't think that layer will help at all. It'll likely need a style change at OSM Carto for it to show up in that map style.