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Hi all,

Apologies if this is a naive question. I'm new to editing OSM.
The ref:crs tag for Tondu rail station is plotting onto maps such as OpenRailwayMap as a high-level label.

To recreate this issue:
- search "Tondu" on,
- click on the "Tondu Station" item, then
- zoom out four times.

I've trawled through the properties of this node and posts on this forum and can't figure out why this is.

This is presumably a Mapnik issue, but I figure there must be a way to edit this behaviour away within OSM, right?
Can anyone help?

Cheers, Rob

asked 28 Oct '19, 15:45

RobDataCymru's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

This appears to be a stylistic choice by those running OpenRailwayMap, presumably to make stations identifiable on a wider view with fewer label collision. If you zoom into Germany there are many more stations that appear at these zoom levels.

In general you shouldn't tag for the renderer as more ref:crs tags are added over time the rendering is likely to look a lot more reasonable.

permanent link

answered 28 Oct '19, 23:06

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

Ah yes. Looking at France and Germany, this makes sense.

Saying that, many other UK stations do seem to have the ref:crs but aren't rendered... I'm guessing this is something to do with the other tags on each station. I'll keep digging...

(29 Oct '19, 10:34) RobDataCymru

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question asked: 28 Oct '19, 15:45

question was seen: 1,513 times

last updated: 29 Oct '19, 10:54

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum