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In the area of Napetvrebi, near Tbilisi, Georgia, the whole road network is duplicated - looks like one is a GPS-track, the other an import. Anyway, the roads are nearly identical and cluttering the map.

How can I find out, which track is more accurate (except driving it myself) and how to contact the user, who updated it? I do not want to delete geometry in which someone put much effort without asking first.

asked 17 Aug '11, 09:09

moszkva%20ter's gravatar image

moszkva ter
accept rate: 17%

If you open the map in JOSM you can see the author of each object, there is even a button leading you to its osm user page - from where you can send him a message.
For how to deal with duplicate ways see this question asking almost the same, just for a river.

permanent link

answered 17 Aug '11, 09:17

LM_1's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

Thanks! I now installed JOSM and contacted the user.

(17 Aug '11, 10:30) moszkva ter

Glad to help. For next time comments and voting are better suited for reactions to answers than new answers.

(17 Aug '11, 10:34) LM_1

Other OSM editors like Potlatch, the online editor, can show the last author.

(17 Aug '11, 12:00) Pieren

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question asked: 17 Aug '11, 09:09

question was seen: 4,752 times

last updated: 17 Aug '11, 12:00

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum