My goal is to obtain the driving road network of a certain area using open street map data.
Reference link: What's the general algorithm to draw a road network of a certain area?
I'm using Julia package OpenStreetMapX. In the function call |
I had a quick look at the repo and there didn't seem to be a crop function to start with, see Further I didn't see any PBF format support, just OSM xml format. I would suggest asking the author for support as it is rather unlikely anybody here will be able to help you. The crop function is here: The .osm file is supported as the following: using OpenStreetMapX map_data = get_map_data("/home/ubuntu/mymap.osm"); println("The map contains $(length(map_data.nodes)) nodes")
(28 Oct '19, 12:33)
If just doesn't turn up in the documentation.
(28 Oct '19, 14:43)
SimonPoole ♦