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To keep things simple, is it possible to digitize using an iPhone?

Long live OpenStreetMap!

asked 17 Aug '11, 01:41

zearth's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Can you elaborate what you mean by "digitize using an iPhone"?

(17 Aug '11, 03:28) emacsen

It's a GIS term. How we draw the main features: Points, lines, and polygons. etc.

(17 Aug '11, 05:55) zearth

one of the most anyoing things about the iphone is the lack of flash

(18 Aug '11, 15:01) wakaru

Now, I unwillingly wait for iPhone 5. Let's pray they install them.

(22 Aug '11, 01:42) zearth

This is an older question, but I think a clearer way of asking the same question is: "how can I edit OSM with my iPhone?" See that question for my more up-to-date answer

(07 Aug '13, 16:07) Harry Wood

I finally got it: iLOE, like "iOS Little Openstreetmap Editor", at

From that page:

"iLOE can add, update or move nodes and edit tags from ways. The application offers following functions: Localize your position. Search for any city (worldwide). Move the search target on the map. Download the nodes and ways around your or any position. Edit, delete and insert tags in a node or a way. Create or move a node. Upload the node and tags to OpenStreetMap."

more discussion on slashGeo at (also a track recorder there for instance)

HTH, Hervé

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answered 18 Aug '11, 15:09

Herve5's gravatar image

accept rate: 12%

edited 18 Aug '11, 15:13

Have a look in the OSM wiki at iOS ... try to find apps that have map editing and gpx-recording features.

For detailed questions about a certain app, you can also ask at the OSM forum.

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answered 17 Aug '11, 18:50

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

As far as I know, there are no IOS tools for drawing inside OSM. The most popular iOS app for OpenStreetMap is Mapzen POI Collector. This program can be used to record or edit individual POIs on the road.

There are other apps mentioned on the wiki, but none of them can draw anything other than POIs (nodes).

The main two most popular OSM editors which can be used to edit OSM are Potlatch and Josm.

Potlatch is a Flash application which can be accessed by going to the main site and clicking Edit.

Josm is the second most popular editor, which is written in Java, designed for desktop use. You can get a copy of Josm at

Until the iPad and its large screen, there hasn't been much need to edit OSM data that's more complex than points.

And sadly, I suspect, because of the limited nature of the audience, there isn't likely to be a more complex editing application for iOS any time soon, especially considering the fact that OSM is such a Free/Open Source based project, and Apple's App Store cannot accept programs under the most common FLOSS license, the GPL.

But I may be wrong, especially if iOS supports Flash in the future.

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answered 18 Aug '11, 01:09

emacsen's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

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question asked: 17 Aug '11, 01:41

question was seen: 7,026 times

last updated: 07 Aug '13, 16:07

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