Hallo, my question is: I frequently travel the world on my bicycle and sometimes there are roads which are to sandy to use them on a bicycle but by car there´s no problem (f.eg. in the steppe of Kazakhstan). How should I tag/mark theese roads? (cause I´d like all cyclists watching and inmediately knowing that u can´t use that road) Best regards and thanks for an answer Jan |
Surface and smoothness are tags that can be used to describe the state of the roads. For your situation surface=sand plus smoothness=very_horrible could make sense. Caveat: Both tags are not for bicycle use only. The tags should best suit all traffic participants (pedestrians, bicycle, motor vehicles) so don't try to be "too negative". Thank you - and that´s the problem. I think there´s no option to describe a road as "possible/transitable for pedestrians and cars" but "not possible/transitable for bicycles" - so maybe this would be a suggestion for a new option/button/caracteristic of roads
(17 Oct '19, 11:50)
Well, one reason there is no such tag as "not passeble" by bikes is that that is a pretty subjective matter. Roads you as an experienced biker still would use others would already avoid. On the other hand some bikers with fat tire MTBs would still want to go via the ways you describe in your question. That's why we try to describe the situation by tags like surface, smoothness, trail_visibility, tracktype etc as accurate as possible and leave the judgement to the user. I know that is difficult.
(17 Oct '19, 13:26)
I remember riding along a beach and finding the damp sand was firm and we could make headway but the dry stuff was almost impossible to cycle in/over. So maybe surface=sand could be useful for users to decide to use or not.
(17 Oct '19, 15:41)
andy mackey
agree - An important parameter for sand surface is how thick the loose sand is. If it is just 0.5 cm sand on the surface and below something hard, then it is quite fine to cycle on. If it is 10 cm loose sand, then it is quite impossible to cycle on (unless you have really fat tires).
(18 Oct '19, 06:49)
aseerel4c26 ♦