can someone tell me how to the thing below how add no HGVs to roads also can i add house gardens to open street map
if i can how to do it |
for HeavyGoodsVehicle have a look at wiki/Key:access and search there for HGV. furthermore wiki/Key:lit and wiki/Tag:highway%3Dstop you can see ... many features are described in the OSM wiki, so you can try its search function. and: I would NOT tag the single garden of a house because it is to much in detail. 2
You might not tag individual gardens, but some people do: This is one example way and I have seen some discussion as to whether leisure=garden/access=private or landuse=residential/residential=garden should be used. There is a trac ticket relating to the former:
(16 Aug '11, 16:34)
EdLoach ♦
Sorry to comment on my own comment, but I just spotted this which also relates:
(16 Aug '11, 16:35)
EdLoach ♦
First, you should post one question at a time only. This help tool is intended to build up a FAQ list and is designed to provide a list of replies for a single question. Second, about your tagging questions, I will provide a more generic solution : use our OSM wiki. On the main web site, it is the link called "Documentation" on the left panel and it goes here: This "wiki style" documentation is updated by all of us. If you search a tag, you can use the "Search" facility visible on the top right corner of the page. For instance, if you enter "hgv", you fall down into this wiki page: If you search "lighting", you find this page: If you type "give-way", the wiki provides a list of pages mentionning give-way and the first proposed page "Tag:highway=give way" is what you need: If you don't find an answer in the wiki, then contact the community through the mailing lists or the forums. You can also check if your question has not been already posted on this help tool ;-) |