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Hi guys,

I just started using osmosis and I used following instructions:

But I immediatly get following error message when running the command (even with different pbf files).

Can anyone help?

C:\Users\mt5285\Downloads\Sample>osmosis --read-pbf file="sample_osmosis.osm.pbf"
Okt 16, 2019 1:33:44 PM org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.Osmosis run
INFORMATION: Osmosis Version 0.47
Okt 16, 2019 1:33:44 PM org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.Osmosis run
INFORMATION: Preparing pipeline.
Okt 16, 2019 1:33:44 PM org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.Osmosis main
SCHWERWIEGEND: Execution aborted.
org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.OsmosisRuntimeException: The following named pipes () and 1 default pipes have not been terminated with appropriate output sinks.
        at org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.pipeline.common.Pipeline.connectTasks(
        at org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.pipeline.common.Pipeline.prepare(
        at org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.Osmosis.main(
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
        at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher.launchStandard(
        at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher.launch(
        at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher.mainWithExitCode(
        at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher.main(
        at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.main(

asked 16 Oct '19, 12:47

ulicious's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Link to instructions missing in your question.

The error message means that you have an input file but you haven't specified what to do with the data once it has been read.

Adding --write-null to the end of the command line would make it valid (it just throws away the data) but this is likely not what you want, so you'll have to tell osmosis what it is supposed to do with the data.

permanent link

answered 16 Oct '19, 12:51

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Hi Frederik,

sorry for the missing link:

The full command is following ( \ is used to change the line). I still get an error message but this time from line 7: completeRelations (saying its written incorrectly or can't be found)

alt text

permanent link

answered 16 Oct '19, 13:29

ulicious's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Strange. Can you post the exact error message? Generally speaking, if you are only interested in Germany, why not use a Germany file to start with ( if you're desperate for an antique one) that will be much faster. Also, unless you really need power lines that lead out of the country, you can just drop the "completeRelations=yes" and it should still work.

(16 Oct '19, 13:59) Frederik Ramm ♦

Hi Frederik, it's now finally running. It seems it was more my inexperience in cmd/osmosis than a problem with the code. Thanks for the support.

Yeah, you're right that this approach is not yet the best. But first I want to get things running and than it's about improving. I am also using the current planet data, but the documentation is from 2015 though

(16 Oct '19, 14:53) ulicious

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question asked: 16 Oct '19, 12:47

question was seen: 2,385 times

last updated: 16 Oct '19, 14:53

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum