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Hello OpenStreetMap-Community,
I’m sorry if I’m asking a stupid question, but I can’t figure this one out by myself. Here is my situation: I am currently making a website about a hobby of mine, or better a guy helps me making this website. I want to show locations on a map where you can do this hobby, and I created a uMap-map for doing so. In uMap I used the Positron tile layout. However, when embedding the map in my website and viewing it on different screen sizes, the map doesn’t adapt, so you can’t see all the marked locations on the map right away without zooming out. Also, when zooming out the markers stay the same size, and on a small screen it doesn’t look good.
So my friend suggested making a screenshot of the uMap, because images are automatically adapted to the screen size. That works well, but before the website goes online I wanted to make sure I’m not violating any copyright issues by doing so. So my question is this:
Can I take a screenshot of a uMap with the Positron tile layout and put it on my website? The attribution/copyright information would be put directly under the picture, also with hyperlinks both to the OSM and Carto licensing sites. I can’t figure this one out by myself, sorry…
Thank you for helping me!
PS: Also I’m sorry for my English, it is not my first language.

asked 15 Oct '19, 12:42

Tammy_S's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 15 Oct '19, 21:54

If I choose the "OSM Positron (Carto)" style in uMap I get the following attribution in the bottom right corner of the map:

"Map tiles by CartoDB, under CC BY 3.0. map data © OpenStreetMap contributors under ODbL — About — Home"

I think the "CC BY 3.0" link would be the best place to see what is permitted for that specific license (there is a drop down for a variety of languages).

permanent link

answered 15 Oct '19, 21:19

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

Hi Insert,

thank you so much for your answer! You didn't use the german version of uMap, did you? Because when chosing the Positron style there the attribution says only "© OpenStreetMap contributors, © CARTO — Über — Startseite". There is no link to the Creative Commons license, and I couldn't figure out Cartos licensing terms. But I just checked the french uMap - when designing my map there with the Positron style, I get the CC licensing information as well. So a screenshot is not a problem there. Thanks for helping me solving this issue.


(15 Oct '19, 21:53) Tammy_S

InsertUser's answer deals with the map background. But you might also need to take care of the data you added to the map. If you have only added things you have observed yourself you are fine but if you have added any data from copyrighted sources you also need to observe those license terms. With the creation of a screenshot you have derived a new work I presume (IANAL).

(16 Oct '19, 06:35) TZorn

@Tammy I used the '.fr' uMap. I wasn't aware of the German instance.

(16 Oct '19, 09:33) InsertUser

@TZorn The data I added comes from me, so there won't be any issues. But thank you for raising this point nonetheless!

(16 Oct '19, 11:09) Tammy_S

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question asked: 15 Oct '19, 12:42

question was seen: 2,782 times

last updated: 16 Oct '19, 11:09

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum