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I have found several cycleways and footpath, which are tagged with name="Rad-/Fußweg" + the name of the street or with name="Cycleway " + the name of the area.

Should I remove those tags? In my opinion, these tags are unnecessary and would better be converted to a relation, if it should be mapped at all, binding cycleway and road together.

Edit: This is one of the cycleways in question:

  • It is not separated from the street by any means
  • It has no name of its own

I know the "Pennine Way", and this isn't anything like that.

asked 16 Aug '11, 14:09

SveLil's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 17 Aug '11, 08:11

Those sound rather more like descriptions than actual names, but without knowing where they are and what local tagging practice is it's difficult to say for sure.

Certainly, before removing tags that another mapper has added I'd talk to them first to discuss what you're doing, and as has already been mentioned discuss on a local mailing list (if you're in Germany there may be a local Stammtisch too).

You'd also need to actually go to the spot on the ground to judge that a particular path on the ground is or isn't called something. To give an example that I'm familiar with - the "Robin Hood Way" and "Pennine Way" are both medium-long distance paths in England. The "Robin Hood Way" name never appears anywhere as a road or path name, only as a route name, whereas the "Pennine Way" name is signed in such a way that you could reasonably claim that stretches of the route really do have a name of "Pennine Way" as well.

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answered 16 Aug '11, 15:06

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

Agreed, if it's a description, then moving the name to the description key is appropriate. If the name is accurate, then keep the name. Portland has a few examples of extra ways having the same name as the adjacent street, usually where there's a multi-use path or a two-way cycleway that's a part of the same street separated by a median from the rest of traffic.

(17 Aug '11, 00:02) Baloo Uriza

This is a question without a clearcut answer. The question if a relation is the right tool for mapping or if the geographical position is enough should be discussed by the community. Feel free to start this discuss on the relevant mailinglists but this help site is not the correct place.

Until this issue has been discussed and consensus emerged DON'T delete the tags.

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answered 16 Aug '11, 14:51

petschge's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

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question asked: 16 Aug '11, 14:09

question was seen: 6,171 times

last updated: 17 Aug '11, 08:11

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum