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I have not been able to find a solution on the forum for not being able to modify a road section from one way to both ways. I can save the 'change' and 'upload'; thereafter nothing happens. I have uploaded a screenshot of the road section and the indicative Lat Long is : 28.44105 77.14703 (North Latitude &East Longitude)

The section is wrongly indicated as ONEWAY in the Northerly direction. The section should correctly be a two-way road.

Kindly advise. Thanks,


alt text

asked 13 Oct '19, 15:55

PATOBIN's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 13 Oct '19, 16:17

I believe is correctly saved in the database as a two-way road. There is no tag that would make it oneway.

The arrow you see in your screenshot may be from an out-of-date tile. That's probably also the reason the road near the north of your screenshot looks odd (the letters "ad" on their own) - one tile was probably not yet synced with recent changes. It all looks OK when I look at the map in my browser now.

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answered 13 Oct '19, 17:05

alan_gr's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

Thank you for responding Alan.

Yes, a Southerly (and both ways) routing is now being accepted on '' . The 'ad' is the tail-end of 'road'. The tile did not show up at that zoom level. I will download the latest Garmin edition of the map and see if the changes have been incorporated.


(14 Oct '19, 10:13) PATOBIN

If something i have added does not get rendered in a day or so, and i am concerned i open an editor and check the database to confirm the save was successful and my added data is there.The OSM based maps on the map page usually render changes totally in a few days. Third party ones may be using data that was downloaded before your edit and may not show new stuff for weeks, Often the third party maps will had a date attached to them which is worth checking before downloading.

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answered 14 Oct '19, 11:55

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 16 Oct '19, 14:16

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question asked: 13 Oct '19, 15:55

question was seen: 1,689 times

last updated: 16 Oct '19, 14:16

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum