This general answer is what I'm using currently to print maps. However, it has its limitations. Use case: I want to print paper maps to take into the field, and scribble my survey results on them. Need: Fairly close zoom (=16 is ok), printed onto A4 paper (A3 even better, as PDF to send to a print shop). Issues: 1) The extent of my browser window isn't quite what gets printed on A4. I can use print preview, but the many iterations of trial and error approach takes time when I'd rather be outside. 2) Naturally I'm limited to A4 with the long side running either N-S or E-W, but never at an angle. Want: To choose an A4-size bounding box before heading to print preview Even better if: I can angle that A4 bounding box as needed and print the angled image, to better choose exactly what extent of map to print (and have fewer papers to flip between/run after in the wind) I've had a look at Big Map and maposmatic, but seem to have the same issue: you have to go through to the last step before you see what bounding box the A4 size has actually imposed. |
Field Papers tends to be the go to solution for your use case. The QR code can obscure some detail, but it enables re-upload once you've added markup. More details on functionality can be found here. inkatlas will allow you to create a multipage map with a bit more control over the outline. Pages are always north up, but it will not create pages entirely outside of the boundary (allows e.g. 'L' shaped arrangements). They do charge for larger page sizes, atlases above 6 pages or uploading your own overlays. The OSM on paper page on the wiki has more options listed. Field Papers is just the ticket, thank you. On the minor question of A3: For the benefit of anyone else with this query, it would appear that at A3 size, the full granularity is shown over a larger extent of ground, rather than simply magnifying an A4 sheet four times. In other words, it really can offer with the greater detail that an A3 map allows for.
(12 Oct '19, 18:54)