Hey I converted a OSM file to CSV, with:
osmconvert64.exe netherlands-latest.osm --max-objects=999999--all-to-nodes --csv="@lat @lon addr:street addr:housenumber addr:postcode addr:city" -o=streets.csv
And I want to import the CSV into MySQL-database, but the file is 3GB.
I noticed that in the CSV file their is sometimes lat/lon, but no addr data.
Is their a way I can filter out records that don't have the addr data? (To reduce filesize CSV, and unwanted data)
I tried:
osmfilter.exe netherlands-latest.osm --keep="@lat= and @lon= and addr:street= and addr:housenumber= and addr:postcode= and addr:city= and @lat!=null and @lon!=null and addr:street!=null and addr:housenumber!=null and addr:postcode!=null and addr:city!=null" -o=netherlands-filtered.osm
osmfilter.exe netherlands-latest.osm --keep="addr:street!=null and addr:housenumber!=null and addr:postcode!=null and addr:city!=null" -o=netherlands-filtered.osm
04 Oct '19, 21:21
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