I'm trying to map a residential apartment complex close to me that has the following features:
The complex looks roughly like this: My issue is that I found a few posts with instructions on how to map things similar to this, but some were a bit old and seemed to offer conclicting advice. Some questions:
The two buildings should be building=apartments, yes. What do you do if you want to send a letter to the residents in either building? What address would you use? I'd put that address also on the building polygons: addr:country, addr:city, addr:postcode, addr:street and addr:housenumber. You can put a ref=A and ref=B on the buildings if there is such simple name. Or name=Building A if it is a more elaborate name, for example West Tower. The addresses can also be put onto an otherwise empty node at the complex entrances, especially if one of the addresses is not already on one of the buildings. Usually, the whole surrounding area should have landuse=residential not only this apartment complex (unless of course it is alone inside another type of landuse). If you want to show this complex belongs together you could still use a dedicated landuse=residential for this complex, especially if it has a common name, other than the address ("I live in the South Park Residences."). If the whole complex is fenced you could also map the fence and the gates. The type=site is only used on relations. I probably wouldn't use a site relation here, since everything is grouped together and not dispersed over a wider area.
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Note that there are some regional differences for the address information, typically in Belgium you do not put the country, city not postcode on the address-nodes/buildings. In The Netherlands and Denmark, addresses have to be mapped as points. I believe the same is true for Italy, where addresses belong to doors.
(04 Oct '19, 15:33)
You can use either one and add in the necessary apt number and building as both buildings can have an apartment with the same number, e.g. "123 One Street/Apt 222 building B"
To clarify, an empty node is a point in the editor?
(04 Oct '19, 22:32)
So the same apartment could be referenced by both "123 One Street/Apt 222 building B" and "321 Two Street/Apt 222 building B"? I don't know what country this is in, but that seems like it could get very confusing.
(04 Oct '19, 23:24)
By empty node I meant a point in the editor that carries no other tags except the address. But as Escada pointed out the address could also be added to an entrance.
(05 Oct '19, 06:40)