In many Hungarian city edges and villages there are suburban landuses with large gardens and small family houses like these: In Hungary these are usually tagged as How should we tag these lands? |
To my English eyes, that just looks like landuse=residential. Where I'm sat at the moment is a residential area that's a bit less dense than your picture. 3
I agree, it looks residential to me too. landuse=residential doesn't need to be a densely-packed residential area.
(01 Oct '19, 23:08)
Another one to agree that this is residential. There is nothing to say that a residential area cannot include large gardens often given over to vegetable production. If you draw the buildings the actual density of habitation can be calculated: this is often useful for things like calculating surface run-off properties of residential areas.
(05 Oct '19, 21:15)
SK53 ♦
Turns out
(01 Dec '19, 21:48)