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I wanted to create a map for my Minecraft city and since it's fairly simple and easy to use OpenStreetMap, I wanted to use tool like OSM. and because OSM is based on real world, I had to find tools like OSM but it wasn't easy to find tools like OSM So, is there a way to create custom map with OSM? if not, is there a tool like OSM to create custom map?

Thanks for answering and I hope you have a wonderful day

asked 01 Oct '19, 10:40

F-15K%20Slam%20Eagle's gravatar image

F-15K Slam E...
accept rate: 0%


Not an answer, but is an example of just that.

(01 Oct '19, 10:42) SomeoneElse ♦

I've seen opengeofiction but their policy do not meet my needs :(

(01 Oct '19, 10:56) F-15K Slam E...

Ik zou ook wel een land willen inladen in minecraft. Ik wil het op basis van een heightmap maken en osm Maar hoe moet ik dat maken. En ik wil Iets zoals geocraft maken

Kunnen jullie mij er misschien mee helpen Vriendelijke groet vrondisjeu hahaha

(01 May '21, 07:30) vrondisjeuk

Ik zou belgie willen inladen in minecraft

(01 May '21, 07:46) vrondisjeuk

So it is possible setup and run an instance of the service that stores the OpenStreetMap data, like the OpenGeoFiction example does, but that's pretty complicated to do.

You could use JOSM to create data and not upload it to OSM, and then render that data using other OSM tools yourself.

I think it is probably simpler to see if something like QGIS works for what you want to do though.

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answered 01 Oct '19, 14:55

maxerickson's gravatar image

accept rate: 32%

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question asked: 01 Oct '19, 10:40

question was seen: 2,004 times

last updated: 02 May '21, 06:16

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum