Hello, I decided today to finally join the OSM Community. I have a post office which is closed for some month now but not marked as such. It will most likely stay closed but is a visible landmark. I post the tags, can someone help me to change them properly? I have to check if the atm still works.
You can change amenity=post_office to disused:amenity=post_office Please note that there a probably no data consumers (maps or apps) that do something with an object tagged as disused:x=y But in this way the data is there to know that this was a former post office. To emphasize this even more, you could tag the building as building=post_office. This means that the building looks like a post office, but not necessarily mean that it is a post office. You should also remove the openings hours, remove name, phone and wheelchair tags, as it is no longer a functioning post office. Remove the atm once you know for sure it is gone. Or keep it when it is still there of course. It would be better though to map it as a separate node amenity=atm though. As for the new postal office, create a new node at the new location, and add info like address, opening_hours and wheelchair tags. An alternative would be to move the node on the old position to the new location and change all tags. However, we would lose the information in the old position of "former post office". p.s. imho it is debatable that the name is "Post", it is a post office, it is not name "Post". |