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I have some listings with addresses and coordinates. Some of these coordinates are not accurate and I can't do the point-in-polygon check. So there is a situation when a house has coordinates which are not inside the polygon I have. Of course, it's a problem with my data provider. So I went further and tried to take the address and convert it into the right coordinates. Here is where the troibles begin.

Try to do this: 1. Open Nominatim. 2. Enter "58 West St #33A, NY" and you will have no results 3. But enter the same in Google Maps and you will have the result 4. Try to delete "#33A" and you will have a street coordinates. But I need the house coordinates.

I've tried to change # to № and change the position of words, It doesn't help.

Any ideas?

asked 29 Sep '19, 16:37

Skrypch's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

58 West Street is not in the OSM data, let alone #33. 56 is and 62 is but nothing inbetween. also uses addresses from tiger data. With that it for example finds "58 West Street, Manhattan", albeit a bit too far north.

permanent link

answered 29 Sep '19, 21:09

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

But then, what can I do with it? Google Maps greatly cope with such situation and show me the right polygon. I found that 58 West Street is a historical name of the building but still, the issue exists.This your 56 example is the right polygon I need.

(29 Sep '19, 21:39) Skrypch

I'm not sure what you are really looking for. Is it 33 Rector Street? That's found by Nominatim. If I put your search term into Google Maps it shows me the building across the street (40 Rector St). Is this rather an exercise getting your addresses corrected than finding the geolocation?

(30 Sep '19, 08:25) TZorn

No, it's about finding the geolocation. The address is "58 West St #33A, NY" which means that the street is 58 W st and 33a is the building number. Google Maps easily cope with that

(30 Sep '19, 09:28) Skrypch

I don't understand what you mean by "the street is 58 W st and 33a is the building number". I thought you were looking for unit/apartment 33a in the house number 58 on West Street. Are you actually looking for house number 33a on West 58th Street? Can you link to the Google page that shows the correct building?

(30 Sep '19, 13:37) TZorn

Try "33A West 58th St, NY" , then it finds

So the data is there, the problem is in translating your input "58 West St" to "West 58th St". OSM does not have the resources to pay developers to convert every possible input format to a "normalized" address. So you will have to adapt your input strings to what is known.

(30 Sep '19, 14:08) escada

So you are looking for "40 Rector Street". If this building ever had the address "58 West Street" assigned (whatever #33a is supposed to be), you will likely not find it in OSM since OSM does not usually keep track of former addresses (former names of streets yes but not assembled addresses). Current addresses in New York should be pretty complete, though.

This has nothing to do with a "#" in the search string not being searchable.

(30 Sep '19, 17:10) TZorn

I didn't know it is former address. I used the one that listing websites give -

(30 Sep '19, 18:01) Skrypch

You wrote yourself above that 58 West Street is a historical name.

But now that you link to that website I see it comes back to correcting the address as I speculated all along. If you look at the view from the balcony and into the text description that address is right South of Central Park. That cannot be West Street nor Rector Street. What Google Maps gives you as location is plain wrong (when I click on your google link I get the building 40 Rector Street highlighted). I guess this is really on "West 58th Street" as I already wrote above and escada linked to. #33 is the unit number. Here's the add with an correct address by the way:

(30 Sep '19, 18:18) TZorn

I got it. Thanks a lot for your help!

(30 Sep '19, 18:22) Skrypch

Please note that it is also possible that there is a unit #33 in 58, West Street, Greenpoint, NY, which is here:

(01 Oct '19, 04:15) escada
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question asked: 29 Sep '19, 16:37

question was seen: 6,718 times

last updated: 01 Oct '19, 04:15

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum