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I downloaded a list of addresses published by a public institution (ISTAT) I geocoded them (by using Googlev3 API and a script I wrote on purpose) and obtained a shp file I want to publish this shp file on OSM I want to do it because I want to "put my name on them". The list of address is published under CC-BY-SA licence, so I will publish the shp file under the same licence. However, I want that it is recognized that it is me who geocoded the data, so I want to get the attribution of the file, together with the original source publisher (ISTAT). My aim is that, if somebody uses the shp file to make some analysis and publishes the results, I get quoted as one of the sources of the data. Is it possible to do it with OSM?

asked 27 Sep '19, 15:16

Tms91's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 27 Sep '19, 15:20


Did you manually geocode the addresses (for example by walking to each address and taking a GPS measurement there), or did you use another database/map/service to do the geocoding?

(27 Sep '19, 15:19) Frederik Ramm ♦

I used Googlev3 API, I wrote some code to use it (question updated)

(27 Sep '19, 15:21) Tms91

I think that you should probably have asked these questions:

  1. Can I publish a shape file on OSM? The answer is no, OSM is not a generic geodata distribution platform; depending on what is in your shape file, some or all of the contents of your shape file could probably added to OSM but that is a manual process where you'll be going through each individual object, checking if it already is present in OSM, adding it if not, choosing the right OSM tags to represent it etc.

  2. Can I add data to OSM under a CC-BY-SA license, or otherwise ensure I am attributed as the creator? The answer to the first part of the question is no, anything you add to OSM must be distributable under OSM's Open Database License which is not compatible with CC-BY-SA. The answer to the second part of the question is that if anyone checks the object history on OSM they will see that it was contributed by you, but you cannot force OSM data users to attribute you.

  3. Can I add locations to OSM which I have geocoded using Google? The answer is no, you generally cannot do that because the data is derived from Google and - at least in our conservative interpretation of intellectual property rights - cannot be reused at all without Google's consent.

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answered 27 Sep '19, 15:51

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%


Points 2 and 3 are explicit in the Contributor Terms to which you assented when signing up to OSM ( See terms 1a and 4.

(28 Sep '19, 10:19) Richard ♦

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question asked: 27 Sep '19, 15:16

question was seen: 1,467 times

last updated: 28 Sep '19, 10:19

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum