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I want to update a POI for a restaurant that has permanently closed. OSM help (OSM help ) tells me it should be using lifecycle in tag: disused:amenity=restaurant How can I do this change in IDeditor?

asked 24 Sep '19, 06:34

gerhard_v's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

First of all, you can just delete the restaurant (be careful not to accidentally delete the building it is in though). The lifecycle concepts are not widely used, and may also clash with the concept of verifiability - as a rule of thumb you should only consider disused:amenity if the original character of the thing is still clearly visible, i.e. if it still looks like a restaurant, but now is permanently closed.

To change "amenity" to "disused:amenity", just scroll down on the properties tab on the left hand side after you have selected the object, and open the "all tags" section where you can make the change.

permanent link

answered 24 Sep '19, 08:30

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%


I'll add my usual caution about POI deletion: Careful about deleting a node that has address tags if the address in question is still valid for the premises! Generally the next thing to come along will inherit the old address and it's good to "keep the history".

So in these cases it's better to just delete all of the tags specific to the old occupant of that location. And, as Frederik mentioned, if the presumed use of the place has not changed then using the "disused:" prefix is good, eg, disused:shop=yes, disused:amenity=restaurant, disused:amenity=place_of_worship, etc.

(Not sure exactly what Frederik's bar is for "widely used" but there are currently over 12000 disused shops and 20000 disused amenities.)

(24 Sep '19, 15:25) jmapb

Thanks, Frederik, I didn't realize I can edit the left hand side of that table and place a 'disused:' in front of 'amenity'. Couldn't find an entry 'disused:amenity' in the dropdown list, that's why I asked here.

(25 Sep '19, 06:11) gerhard_v

It appears that ID will recognize when there are address tags and "downgrade" the POI by automatically changing to disused:amenity= . But if there are no address tags, the node will be deleted. It would be better to keep the node and manually change to disused:amenity as discussed above to preserve the node's history.

(25 Sep '19, 11:51) Mike N

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question asked: 24 Sep '19, 06:34

question was seen: 2,641 times

last updated: 25 Sep '19, 11:51

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum