Hello, How can I query OSM to give me travel distances between adresses from access VBA? regards |
You cannot query OSM to do this, you need to query a routing engine. You can either install a routing engine yourself - open source software includes OSRM, Graphhopper, Valhalla - or you can use a routing engine run (and paid for) by someone else, for example the free offers on graphhopper.com (running Graphhopper) or routing.openstreetmap.de (running OSRM). These servers have usage policies and limits - it's ok to make a couple hundred queries for yourself but if you want to use it intensively or commercially, double-check what you are allowed to do. Generally these servers will expect you to make a HTTP request and reply with a JSON message that you can then process in VBA. The precise formatting of the request and response depend on which routing engine you are using. |