Hi, I work with uMap and I used to provide the anonymous editing link to some other people destined to work on the map, and also for me, when the desktop or the server has deleted my automatic login after some months of inactivity. However, now I did not find anymore the place where umap provided the link! Has something changed by uMap? Here a screenshot where I expected to find the anonymous link (sorry, in German: Bearbeiter= editor, jeder= everybody; Eigentümer=owner).
The link is same for you (owner) and for anonymous editors. Just copy it from your browser address bar. Sorry, but does´nt work for me. On my own computer, it opens in editing modus (as with short URL, if I have logged in not too long ago), but on a foreign Mac the map is not opened in editing mode.
(23 Sep '19, 21:41)
This applies if "who can edit" is set to "only editors can edit". If "everybody" is set, then editing is (as to be expected) possible on a foreign computer, but this does not require the specific long adress, also works with the public short URL. The option "editing only with link" lacks; it is available only for the section "viewing of map"
(24 Sep '19, 08:41)