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My boyfriend just deleted a lot of features in Ioannina city (Greece). He thought he was in play mode. Is there anyone who can help restoring the map or undo the changes??? We're in panic...

asked 14 Aug '11, 16:04

iggy982's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

closed 15 Aug '11, 03:24

emacsen's gravatar image


Did he use the "iggy982" account?

(14 Aug '11, 16:14) gnurk

I suspect that may be the changeset.

(14 Aug '11, 16:16) SomeoneElse ♦

The question has been closed for the following reason "The question was very specific to a problem, and that problem is solved." by emacsen 15 Aug '11, 03:24

If you've made some errors on the map, there's no need to panic, but it's best to try to get them fixed as soon as possible.

If you know the changeset that the changes went into, someone in the community can do a revert.

If you don't know, then let someone know your username, and they can dig up the changeset. It's probably best not to make any more changes until this is resolved to make the changeset easier to find.

This process is straightforward but can take a while, so it may be best to have someone on IRC give you a hand.

permanent link

answered 14 Aug '11, 16:16

emacsen's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

Thanx a lot! This is the changeset:

But who's gonna do the revert?

(14 Aug '11, 17:00) iggy982

I'll do it.

(14 Aug '11, 17:18) emacsen


Please do not let your boyfriend touch the map again. :)

(14 Aug '11, 17:55) emacsen

Or better teach your boyfriend how to map and then let him touch it again.

(14 Aug '11, 19:00) RM87

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question asked: 14 Aug '11, 16:04

question was seen: 4,227 times

last updated: 15 Aug '11, 03:24

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum