Hi all, Is it allowed to use the 1950 - 1965 aerial imagery from IGN (france), as a reference (license-wise)? On this page on their website, it states that you are allowed to use it, even commercially, however the actual "conditions generales" link gives a 404. (...)la loi n°78-753 du 17 juillet 1978 crée un droit de réutilisation des informations publiques. Ainsi, les informations qui entrent dans le champ de cette loi peuvent être exploitées à d’autres fins que celles de la mission de service public pour les besoins de laquelle elles ont été produites, y compris commerciales. Also, the iD web editor defaults to (newer) IGN imagery here in france, so it seems reasonable that the old ones could be used too. Secondly, if it can be legally used, is there a way to set it as a background in iD? (you can see the aerial imagery on https://www.geoportail.gouv.fr/carte, by choosing "photographies aériennes 1950" as a background, just that i'd like to have it directly in iD/) I want to map an abandoned railway, however it is not well visible in newer satellite images. |