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Hello, I would like to save a card created on another account with autentification twitter, the problem is that my twitter account no exists more, is there a solution?

asked 18 Sep '19, 11:57

Kev%20Le%20Galicien's gravatar image

Kev Le Galicien
accept rate: 0%

edited 19 Sep '19, 07:36

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦

I'm guessing that you might be asking about "uMap" not OpenStreetMap, and might mean "map" rather than "card" above?

Unfortunately in many languages words like "carte" translate to different things in English - "map", "card", menu", etc.

(18 Sep '19, 12:06) SomeoneElse ♦

Could you please specify what service you are using from which you want to save a map? Is it,, some mobile app?

(18 Sep '19, 12:08) TZorn

Hello, sorry for the confusion. I evoked the umap site

(18 Sep '19, 17:47) Kev Le Galicien

You are probably out of luck regaining access to your original map, unless you can convince one of the site maintainers to recover the map for you. I'm not sure how you could contact them best, though.

If you had the share functionality activated (share icon on the left hand panel) you could download the data (full map data), create a new map with your new account and import the data into that map.

permanent link

answered 19 Sep '19, 09:45

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

Hello and thank you for the advice, it works, I was able to import my card.

(19 Sep '19, 11:39) Kev Le Galicien

This question is on this board for months now, but nobody seems to know what the reason might be and nobody seems to know a solution. Should not have to be that difficult..?

permanent link

answered 02 Oct '19, 09:22

CGID's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 02 Oct '19, 09:23


There is an accepted solution that helped the original poster. So no reason to complain.

I'd also say there is an underlying problem with that they allow creating maps anonymously the way they do but this help site here is not affiliated with that site. We try to help but we are the wrong people to convince changing their way of operations.

(02 Oct '19, 09:27) TZorn

Hi TZorn, I am not complaining, just wondering why there is nobody in the world on all the boards I placed this question/problem, is able to solve this problem (including My Maps are on the web and I will never be able to change or delete them. Funny in 2019 don't you think..?

And ofcourse, thanks for the good work you are doing..!

(02 Oct '19, 09:34) CGID

This is the wrong place for this question. is not an official OSM service and apparently none of the uMap administrators is active on

(04 Oct '19, 07:55) scai ♦

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question asked: 18 Sep '19, 11:57

question was seen: 1,407 times

last updated: 04 Oct '19, 07:57

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum