Hello, I've processed "central-america-latest.osm.pbf"-file and have loaded into MySQL, then what I discovered made me doubt: SELECT count(idWay) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT idWay FROM osm.waynds) w1 - TOTAL NUMBER OF WAYS - 6885317 SELECT count(id) FROM osm.ways - it's the TABLE OF WAYS - 6885317 SELECT count(idMember) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT idMember FROM osm.relationMembers WHERE type = 'w') r1 - NUMBER OF RELAT/MEMBERS WHICH ARE WAYS ----- 149861 SELECT count(idMember) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT idMember FROM osm.relationMembers rm INNER JOIN osm.ways ON rm.idMember = ways.id) r1 - NUMBER OF RELAT/MEMBERS(ways) WHICH ARE COMPARED WITH "ways" TABLE----- 144335 it turns out that despite of large number(6885317), there are missing ways in the way list. And I'd like to get explanation about this case |
I am not familiar with the database schema you have used here. However the most likely reason for those 5000 ways is that they are part of relations that have some members inside, and some members outside the Central American bounds polygon. For example, the boundary of the USA (relation 148838) has over 800 ways. Some of them are "in" Central America but it would be a bad idea if the file would therefore contain the whole US boundary. The same is likely true for the boundary of France which has some overseas territory in the area, and so on. Ok, thank you, is there some proto-file for compiling pbf-files. I've used the module that use another proto-file, strange is that some files can't be processed by this module, and I would like to get proto-file from official site.
(20 Sep '19, 09:03)