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Hi everyone,

Would anyone know what's the recommended tags to be used for declaring that a given address is where a famous person has lived at in the past?


asked 14 Sep '19, 13:58

enjiu's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

In general don't: it is not information which is amenable to verification by other mappers..

However, in many countries there are schemes of historical plaques which do provide a source of verifiable information (see run by Jez Nicholson, an OSMer). Mapping such plaques is something which can be done on OSM, such as this one for Gottfried Keller.

Alternative ways of achieving similar results might be possible using wikidata which has a different set of constraints governing the range of acceptable data (although run-of-the-mill addresses may be out-of-scope_.

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answered 14 Sep '19, 22:52

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

Thank you, SK53. Now that I'm aware of (thanks), I'm wondering why the project does not store the information directly in OSM since it's possible already, as you mention it. Could it be for the wish to use a specific license? I'll try to put up the question directly to them.

You mention that the information about where some famous persons lived at is not amenable to verification by other mappers. This raises two questions by me: - Why should it be considered that a place where a given celebrity lived at (we're not talking about run-of-the-mill addresses) is less verifiable than cadastre boundaries for instance, or any other information that is not directly visible? - I was looking for a description of the scope of the data that is meant to be stored in OSM, and I could not find a reference page about this aspect, do you know about one?


(15 Sep '19, 10:17) enjiu

OpenPlaques allows non-geocoded data therefore it can't insist on locating the data on OSM. Furthermore as it displays images and other material which does not fit well with OSM it makes sense as a separate project. Normally people add the openplaque identifier to OSM objects which enables data to be linked.

There is a copious amount of information dispersed across mailing lists, the wiki and sites such as this one as to what does & does not belong. For instance in general we hold no cadastral boundaries, but we do hold verifiable things like fence lines. (In some countries, such as France, properties are sometimes marked with cadastral boundary markers which do allow verification).

Many 'blue plaque' properties are entirely run-of-the-mill, such as 38 Menton Crescent ( The house nextdoor to me was owned for many years by an author, who now has a Wikipedia entry, but is indistinguishable from any others on the road.

(15 Sep '19, 15:26) SK53 ♦

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question asked: 14 Sep '19, 13:58

question was seen: 1,163 times

last updated: 15 Sep '19, 15:26

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum