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In recent years I have been adding agricultural supply stores all over the world (i.e. pesticides, animal feed), but I mistakenly tagged them all as shop=farm. I now know that the correct tag is shop=agrarian. Is there a way to instruct the Overpass API to return all shop=farm nodes that I myself added, so that I can change these to the correct tagging?

asked 09 Sep '19, 08:54

CRCulver's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

See for a potential method.

Note on the side shop=agraian is horribly misnamed, maybe it would make sense to start a discussion on the tagging mailing list about a meaningful value before changing all your edits.

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answered 10 Sep '19, 10:36

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 10 Sep '19, 10:51

Thanks for the response. The shop=agrarian tag is used over 2000 times, and so in spite of its awkward name it seems to have been taken up by the community. The shop=farm tag is definitely misleading for the POIs that I have added, because shop=farm is meant to represent food shops (i.e. it may be shown alongside supermarkets or convenience stores in some tools).

(10 Sep '19, 19:43) CRCulver

Considering the great lengths that people go to change tags that are far far far less weird than this one (say diaper), and there is no real complication involved (simply pick one of the less popular alternatives), this would somehow be at the top of my list to change.

(11 Sep '19, 08:30) SimonPoole ♦

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question asked: 09 Sep '19, 08:54

question was seen: 1,713 times

last updated: 11 Sep '19, 08:30

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum