Is it possible to import the planet-190805.osm.pbf in the server with: 8 vcpus, 32 GiB memory, 30GB(SSD)+1TB(SSD) ??? what is the min CACHESIZE for the import? I got Out of memory with CACHESIZE=8192 and CACHESIZE=4096 during import the Relation. shell: export CACHESIZE=??? osm2pgsql --create --slim --hstore --cache ${CACHESIZE} --multi-geometry --unlogged --flat-nodes /var/lib/osm/nodes.cache --hstore-add-index --number-processes 8 --database gis --username osm /mnt/resource/planet-190805.osm.pbf planet-190805.osm.pbf Node,Way,Relation asked 03 Sep '19, 01:15 Nationals |
import the pbf file with : osm2pgsql --create --slim --flat-nodes /mnt/resource/nodes.cache /opt/osm/planet-190805.osm.pbf then, the file /mnt/resource/nodes.cache must been keep for osm2pgsql --append ? and will the osm2pgsql --append update the file /mnt/resource/nodes.cache for next running time? and is the file /mnt/resource/nodes.cache need for mapnik etc.? flat-nodes osm2pgsql asked 30 Aug, 02:35 Nationals's gravatar image Nationals 11●2 accept rate: 0% edited 19 mins ago how about the performance different using --flat-nodes or not while osm2pgs answered 03 Sep '19, 01:53 fon |
even as CACHESIZE=18000,
and CACHESIZE=30000 in another server.
I means disable the swap.