Hello! Im triying to get streets like unique element, but open street maps returns me the id of the chunk and a chunk that doesnt have a clearly relation between the other chunks of the same street and if i use the name like identifier sometimes in a small radius that name of street repeats and i cant get the street like an element. Any idea? thanks!
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There is no ready-made API that would give you that. It is also often subject to interpretation, as a street could well have gaps in it where there's a small plaza or something - when is it still "the same street"? What you can do is download all the chunks and look at the node IDs at either end - if two chunks share a node id then they belong together. But even if you do that you will often not end up with a linear object since it is not unusual to have little stubs branching off that carry the same name as the main street... But nodes wont be shared so i can get a relation in there rigth?
(29 Aug '19, 09:38)
Can you say this again, I don't understand where relations come into it.
(29 Aug '19, 09:40)
Frederik Ramm ♦
I mean, i can check if some chunks are of the same street by the node id independently of the name they have edit: i have check that and its only usefull in cases where the street chunks are stick to the next, if there is something in the middle nodes doesnt relate...so..How get the whole street?
(29 Aug '19, 09:46)
All streets are connected somehow. The node at the end of one street will be connected to another street, e.g. here: https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/17716584 so if you only check connectedness then all streets in the city are one!
(29 Aug '19, 09:58)
Frederik Ramm ♦
Not always check "http://lz4.overpass-api.de/api/interpreter?data=[out:json];%20way[%27highway%27]%22name%22=%27Calle%20Lope%20de%20Vega%27;%20out;%20%3E;%20out%20skel%20qt;" One chunk of that street its not related to the others and its the same street
(29 Aug '19, 10:38)
Which actual street are you talking about?
(29 Aug '19, 11:15)
SomeoneElse ♦
Calle Lope de Vega, León, España
(29 Aug '19, 11:52)
If you're talking about this street, you can see that the last node of the way (594795551) is connected to another way with the same name.
(29 Aug '19, 16:53)
Although this has no name, it does have pieces named "Calle Lope de Vega" at each end. It's up to you whether you consider them all part of the "same street" or not - that's why I asked those questions in comments above.
(29 Aug '19, 21:33)
SomeoneElse ♦
It would really help us if you can describe what goal you're trying to reach once you have this data.
(29 Aug '19, 23:28)
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What are you trying to accomplish?
Get all the chunks of a street from a query. The only way i found was using the name of the street and a bounding box, but sometimes it returns two different near streets that are called equal...
What is "a street" to you? How do you define it? Is it just the having the same name, or exactly the same highway tag (look at some of the elements of https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/LUL for example). What about https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/LUM ? Is "High Street East" there part of the same street as "High Street" to the west? Is the pedestrian area to the west part of the same street?
For me in that example that you gave me those are different elements /streets. I know that different chunks are necesary to label it with their own properties but in this case street is the same and one chunk doesnt have a relation to the others => "http://lz4.overpass-api.de/api/interpreter?data=[out:json];%20way[%27highway%27]%22name%22=%27Calle%20Lope%20de%20Vega%27;%20out;%20%3E;%20out%20skel%20qt;"
Can you link to that in OSM? Across the world there are many streets with that name: https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/LUO .
Yes, and in 2km around as well...thats the problem why i cannot limit it. The thing is that actually the postman can deliver the package to the correct street because ZIP adds a unique id to differ one street to another with the same name but open street maps doesnt supply me anything to know we are talking about the same element
Can you link to the area that you are talking about in OSM? Without that, we've no idea where in the world you're talking about.
Im talking in general to some cases for example in spain, most of the cities have that problem
Sounds like it's here