Hi, I'm Willian Rocha, full stack dev from Brazil. I'm developing an application which is going to calculate and export routes to be used in GPS navigation, i'm already having success using Google Maps navigation but the Maps limits each route by 10 points maximum. So I decided to use OSMAnd for doing that. It's not a difficult task but i'm having trouble when trying to import the route into the OSMAnd app. This is one route generated by the OSMAnd app and exported: This one is the route that my application is generating: As you can see both the files have the same schema structure. The problem is that when I try to navigate on the route which was generated by my application the OSMAnd just give me the direction between my current location and the first point in the route. If I choose to show my GPX file in the map it looks as good as this: https://drive.google.com/open?id=12O7rREkVpZBXl9Foq2jij3-ZseSqSJm7 But when I try to use the same file in the Directions option I get something like this: https://drive.google.com/open?id=12J2X6kEkiUyPHWecJ9Uq8tj5c1a7IBuS I just want OSMAnd to show me the direction from my location to the first point of the route then to the rest of them in the order they appear. Hope you guys are going to have some idea of what is wrong! Thanks in advance, Willian Rocha |
You could try to isolate the problem, for example by removing the
elements so that the GPX file only contains a track but not a route. Unfortunately I have no idea what's wrong with your track. For reporting OsmAnd bugs better use https://github.com/osmandapp/Osmand/issues.Thanks for the reply! As you suggested I tried isolating the rte as well as the trk but no success so we're freezing this feature for a little time in out platform but I'll be testing new things soon.