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Just installed OSM on Ubuntu 18.04 using the rather excellent guide published by the switch2osm folks.

Everything works up to and including the initial manual test of renderd.

When I try to go to the web page at http://yourserveripaddress/hot/0/0/0.png (yes, used the server's IP address) I get the following error;

The requested URL /hot/0/0/0.png was not found on this server

I've reviewed all of the steps and confess I am a bit confused, not that that is particularly unusual. I tend to get grumpy when I follow a recipe and I burn the cake... so to speak.

Any help would be most helpful.

Chuck... WB6YOK

asked 19 Aug '19, 02:45

Chuck_Killian's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

As an addendum the URI /hot/ is configured in renderd.conf

Chuck... WB6YOK

(19 Aug '19, 02:54) Chuck_Killian

Anyone have an answer to this?

(20 Aug '19, 19:36) Chuck_Killian


Check few things: 1. ps -ef | grep renderd

if it is on the list, then: 2a. tail -n 10 /var/log/syslog or: 2b. grep "renderd" /var/log/syslog

You could also run renderd as regular application, as: renderd -f -c /usr/local/etc/renderd.conf and then check out the messages. If you see messages stating that there is no role "root" in postgres, then you have to set up: host + user name + password in the project.mml and regenerate styles.xml

And of course make sure that /hot/ is set in the renderd.conf as URI. If not, set it and reload apache.

Check also if the image got created. Sometimes it is taking a while to generate.

permanent link

answered 20 Aug '19, 22:07

januzi's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 20 Aug '19, 22:20

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question asked: 19 Aug '19, 02:45

question was seen: 2,081 times

last updated: 20 Aug '19, 22:20

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