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I apologize; I'm new and not really sure how to fix this.

For some reason, this pier is not counting as part of the city beyond the city line. I'm guessing it has to do with the city line being on the shore, but I'm not sure how I can just include the pier in that instead of drawing around the pier to include it. I tried looking at how San Francisco included its piers, but I couldn't find their city line by the piers. (I guess it's somewhere in the bay?)

If anyone could fix this the proper way, or at least direct me how to fix it, I'd greatly appreciate it.

asked 18 Aug '19, 21:59

BrittlesSkittles's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Are you absolutely sure it is inside the city boundary? there are plenty of entities which protrude from the boundary:

(19 Aug '19, 23:33) DaveF

See A coastal town border can have 2 admin relations. One for the Land area where the border is the coastline, and one for the real boundary which is usually offshore. My state has not yet legally established official offshore town boundaries (they say they are working on it) so we just put them out there a ways. I think the state boundary is 12 miles offshore. Checking your link it looks like the Pacifica city border is set up as an area instead of a boundary relation. And its from a 2008 TIGER import so probably not accurate. I have to go to sleep right now or I would fix it. Maybe someone could find a state GIS border file just to check accuracy.

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answered 19 Aug '19, 05:38

Rassilon's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 18 Aug '19, 21:59

question was seen: 1,276 times

last updated: 19 Aug '19, 23:33

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum