Load OSM File [132743_08172019] Target feature dataset:<空> OpenStreeMap point features:<空> OpenStreeMap line features:<空> OpenStreeMap polygon features:<空> 消息: Counting elements in OSM file... Counted 13067 nodes,1576 ways,and 23 relations. Preparing geodatabase... Counted 13067 nodes,1576 ways,and 23 relations. Preparing geodatabase... 表名无效。 在ESRI,ArcGIS.Geodatabase.IFeatureWorkspace.CreateFeatureDataset(String Name,ISpatiaIReference) 在ESRI.ArcGIS.OSM.Geoprocessing OSMGPFileLoader.Execute(IArray paramvalues,ITrackCancel,IGPEnvironmentManager envMgr,IGPMes) 执行(OSMGPFileLoader)失败。 失败在Sat Aug 17 13:27:43 2019 (经历的时间:6.95秒) |
What is your question?
ArcMap → OpenStreetMap Toolbox → Load OSM File → 导入OSM文件时出现错误提示:“Load OSM File [132743_08172019]”,使用Download OSM data下载数据时也有相同的错误提示。
Which translates as:
ArcMap → OpenStreetMap Toolbox → Load OSM File → An error message appears when importing OSM files: “Load OSM File [132743_08172019]”, the same error message is also displayed when downloading data using Download OSM data.
and the question:
Load OSM File [132743_08172019] Target feature dataset:<empty> OpenStreeMap point features:<empty> OpenStreeMap line features:<empty> OpenStreeMap polygon features:<empty>
Message: Counting elements in OSM file... Counted 13067 nodes, 1576 ways, and 23 relations. Preparing geodatabase... Counted 13067 nodes, 1576 ways, and 23 relations. Preparing geodatabase... The table name is invalid.
In ESRI, ArcGIS.Geodatabase.IFeatureWorkspace.CreateFeatureDataset(String Name, ISpatiaIReference) in ESRI.ArcGIS.OSM.Geoprocessing OSMGPFileLoader.Execute(IArray paramvalues, ITrackCancel, IGPEnvironmentManager envMgr, IGPMes)
Execution (OSMGPFileLoader) failed.
Failure at Sat Aug 17 13:27:43 2019 (time traveled: 6.95 seconds)
Can you explain what you are trying to do? Where did you get the OSM file that you are trying to load from? Can you let other people look at that file so that they can say what might be wrong with it?